Corporation EFile

Regulations for filing Corporation Income and Franchise Tax Returns

Corporation Income Extension Information

The Corporation E-file program provides the following:

  1. Electronic filing for the Louisiana corporation income and franchise tax return with the federal income tax return in a single electronic transmission.
  2. Electronic filing for the Louisiana corporation income and franchise tax return alone.
  3. Single point User Authentication by IRS.
  4. Ability to submit schedules and documentation as PDF attachments.
  5. Ability to file a Louisiana corporation income and franchise tax return for any member of a consolidated group.
  6. Ability to file electronically a CIFT-620, including amended return and short period returns.
  7. Option to direct debit if there is a balance due.

Corporation E-file Process

  1. Federal and state tax returns are transmitted through a secure Internet site accessible only to registered users using Extensible Markup Language (XML) technology.
  2. Federal and state returns are either transmitted together in a single submission or in separate submissions.
  3. IRS will forward Louisiana returns to LDR for processing. LDR will return acknowledgements back to IRS, where they can be picked up by transmitters.
  4. Each return acknowledged separately.
  5. Submissions and acknowledgements will be returned in XML format.
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Electronic Filing Mandate

  1. Revised Statute 47:1520 authorizes the secretary the discretion to require electronic filing of tax returns or reports by administrative rule. Louisiana Administrative Code (LAC) 61:III.1503 and 1505 were promulgated to require the electronic filing of the corporation income and franchise tax return (Form CIFT-620). Taxpayers are required to file the return electronically for income (franchise) tax periods beginning:

    • 1/1/2018 (1/1/2019) - if their total assets have an absolute value equal to or greater than $500,000.

    • 1/1/2019 (1/1/2020)- if their total assets have an absolute value equal to or greater than $250,000.

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