Frequently Asked Questions
General Sales Tax
I have a construction contract based on a state sales tax rate of 4.45%. What are my options?
If a hotel room is reserved in 2024 but the stay occurs in 2025, what state sales tax rate applies?
Taxable Services
What is included in the taxable service of “furnishing of admissions”?
Are repairs and maintenance to tangible personal property taxable?
Are telecommunications services subject to local sales tax in Louisiana?
Are cable and satellite services subject to local sales tax in Louisiana?
Are sales from food trucks, drive-ins, candy and nut counters, and snack bars taxable?
Are there changes to the agricultural exemptions and exclusions?
Are there changes to the manufacturing, machinery and equipment exemptions?
How are the school and educational materials exemptions treated?
How are intergovernmental and governmental transaction exemptions treated?
I am a non-profit. Do I have to charge sales tax on my sales of admissions tickets and parking?
Is electricity used in the production activity of stripper wells exempt from sales and use tax?
Are any business utilities 100% exempt from sales and use tax?
Are propane tanks sold by retail outlets directly to consumers subject to sales tax?
Vendors Compensation
Digital Products
top of pageBundling
top of pageIndividual/Fiduciary Income Tax
Are there any changes to the combined personal exemption-standard deduction?
Can I still claim the additional $1,000 deduction for the blind, persons 65+, and dependents?
Will the standard deduction change each year or stay the same?
Can I claim the net capital gains deduction for sales occurring on or after January 1, 2025?
Can I still claim the net capital gains deduction for a sale that occurred prior to January 1, 2025?
Corporation Income/Franchise Tax
Is there a standard deduction available for entities taxed as a corporation?
Are there any changes to the provision governing property located inside a foreign trade zone (FTZ)?